
Does Wall-E run on an Arduino Circuit Board???

While watching Wall-E on the airplane home yesterday, I could have sworn that the circuit board inside of Wall-E was an Arduino board (http://www.arduino.cc/). What do you think? Confirmed, plausible, or busted?

I thought the movie was cute. It still makes me feel that the moviemakers behind it believe that is where we will be as a society in almost exactly a hundred years...abandoning Earth to live in a space cruiser. It kills me to see that people believe we have no more hope here, that we'll have to leave to survive. We are doing such severe damage to our planet as is, but we can change. It is so simple, the theories and plans and ideas are sitting under our noses, but people in high places (gov't, very large companies) are unwilling to try them.

A hundred years from now, we will either live here or not. I choose to stay.

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